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  1. Chinese Phrases for the Advanced Traveler. I’m lucky to have done a fair bit of traveling in and around China. Twice now I’ve stayed the maximum length allowed on my tourist visa, and that’s not even counting the first trip I took – from the southern border to the northern border by rail. I took the advice of many other travelers and ...

  2. English translation of traveller - Translations, examples and discussions from LingQ.

  3. Compound nouns are nouns that have been created by putting two words together. Japanese compound nouns may be a combination of two or more kanji (called 熟語・じゅくご) with or without kana. If a word includes kana, the kana typically are placed between two kanji or after the final kanji. Compound type. Japanese.

  4. Designed for ages eight and up, this story about a band of children living on the streets of Venice is sure to awaken the child and the traveler within. Best-selling German audiobooks. Globus Dei: Vom Nordpol bis Patagonien – Helge Schneider Helge Schneider is a beloved German comedian and musician whose career spans more than thirty years ...

  5. The first particle to consider is は (pronounced “ha” normally, but when a particle, pronounced “wa”). は is known as the topic particle, as it denotes the topic of concern. For instance, let’s use a very common sample sentence for those learning Japanese, “今日はいい天気ですね (kyou “wa” ii tenki desu ne).”. This ...

  6. For instance, since the two governments developed independently, Austrian German legal vocabulary has quite a few terms not found in German legal dictionaries. The Viennese dialect is one of the most recognizable Austrian dialects, but a traveler going the length of the country might notice that the dialects practically follow state lines.

  7. The shadow of a tree fell abruptly across the dew and ghostly birds began to sing among the blue leaves. There was a slow, pleasant movement in the air, scarcely a wind, promising a cool, lovely day. “I don't think she ever loved him.”. Gatsby turned around from a window and looked at me challengingly.

  8. Most people know that there are two official languages in Canada: English and French. While English is spoken by the majority of Canadians – around 58.4% of them – an estimated 22% of the population speak French. That’s 7.3 million people. There are a number of different French dialects spoken throughout Canada.

  9. El abominable hombre de la selva. "Quien boca tiene, a Roma llega", era uno de los axiomas de Kate Cold. Su trabajo la obligaba a viajar por lugares remotos, donde seguramente había puesto en práctica ese dicho muchas veces. Alex era más bien tímido, le costaba abordar a un desconocido para averiguar algo, pero no había otra solución.