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  1. › wiki › 大隈重信大隈重信 - Wikipedia

    2 days ago · 大隈 重信 (おおくま しげのぶ、 1838年 3月11日 〈 天保 9年 2月16日 〉- 1922年 〈 大正 11年〉 1月10日 )は、 日本 の 政治家 [1] ・ 教育者 。 位階 勲等 爵位 は 従一位 大勲位 侯爵 。 菅原 姓 [2] 。 参議 、 大蔵卿 、 内閣総理大臣 (第 8 ・ 17 代)、 外務大臣 (第 3 ・ 4 ・ 10 ・ 13 ・ 28 代)、 農商務大臣 ( 第11代 ) 内務大臣 (第 30 ・ 32 代)、 枢密顧問官 、 貴族院議員 。 報知新聞 経営者( 社主 ) [3] 。 聖路加国際病院 設立評議会会長 [4] 。 同志社大学 社友 [5] 。

  2. 3 days ago · Ōkuma Shigenobu, a leader from Saga, submitted a relatively liberal constitutional draft in 1881, which he published without official approval. He also revealed sensational evidence of corruption in the disposal of government assets in Hokkaido .

  3. 5 days ago · Ōkuma Shigenobu emerged from retirement to head a cabinet during World War I and was succeeded by a military cabinet under General Terauchi Masatake.

  4. Jun 19, 2024 · While some liberal grandees like Ōkuma Shigenobu argued that the free flow of people would reflect a modern, civilized Japan, governments from the late 1910s onwards expanded the case for migration, viewing it as a kind of social welfare policy that might enable the poor to escape poverty and in the process, alleviate population pressures.

  5. Jun 26, 2024 · set of demands made during the First World War by the Empire of Japan under Prime Minister Ōkuma Shigenobu sent to the government of the Republic of China on January 8

  6. 6 days ago · The Shigenobu are firm practitioners of Ualdir's faith, as a matter of fact, they salivate at the mention, or chance of battle. The Shigenobu practice a unique brand of worship, as while Ualdir urges to abandon morality, the Shigenobu will never neglect their honour, for many are samurai.

  7. › wiki › Meiji_eraMeiji era - Wikipedia

    2 days ago · In 1882, Ōkuma Shigenobu established the Rikken Kaishintō (Constitutional Progressive Party), which called for a British-style constitutional democracy. In response, government bureaucrats, local government officials, and other conservatives established the Rikken Teiseitō (Imperial Rule Party), a pro-government party, in 1882.