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  1. personalidad de Jordi Dauder a partir de una entrevista concedida por el actor poco antes de morir y donde se muestra, como siempre, enérgico, esperanzado y luchador.

  2. Feb 1, 2023 · Jordi Dauder, la revolució pendent | movie | 2012 | Official Trailer. JustWatch. Follow. Like. Favorite. Share. Add to Playlist. Report. last year. Trailer (promotion) This documentary looks at the life of Jordi Dauder through an interview with the actor a few weeks before his death. Fro | dG1fajhGR09SN3M5STQ. Hide details. Recommended. 0:43. I.

  3. This documentary looks at the life of Jordi Dauder through an interview with the actor a few weeks before his death. From her interventions and people who knew him, the play explores the experiences of actor, from his artistic side as from his political convictions and life.

  4. This documentary looks at the life of Jordi Dauder through an interview with the actor a few weeks before his death. From her interventions and people who knew him, the play explores the experiences of actor, from his artistic side as from his political convictions and life.

  5. Jordi Dauder, la revolució pendent Actor, escriptor, doblador, activista polític, agitador social... el compromís combatiu de Jordi Dauder. Durada: 1 h 28 min

  6. L’actor Jordi Dauder va néixer el 5 de març del 1938 a Badalona i va morir el 15 de setembre del 2011 a Madrid. El recordem amb un recull de reflexions en primera persona. I veient el tràiler del documental pòstum Jordi Dauder, la revolució pendent, que en mostra la vessant més combativa.

  7. Jordi Dauder, the Unfinished Revolution is a Documentary directed by Antoni Verdaguer. Year: 2012. Original title: Jordi Dauder, la revolució pendent.