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  1. The AIG Section provides guidance on the following subjects: aircraft accident and incident investigation; accident and incident reporting (ADREP); training for aircraft accident investigators; hazards at aircraft accident sites; providing information to aircraft accident victims and their families;

  2. This article gives an overview of the best practices used in aviation occurrence investigation. It also describes the use of some specific equipment, like UAVs and flight simulators, in the process, along with their benefits and limitations. As a general rule, the investigation should be.

  3. Aircraft accident investigations generally, but not always, are conducted by the State in the which the accident occurs (the State of occurrence), regardless of whether the accident aircraft is registered in that State or was operated by an airline registered in that State.

  4. The AAIB is the primary authority entrusted with leading air accident investigations, and ensuring compliance with the guidelines set forth by the ICAO as well as the requirements of the Civil Aviation Regulations of 2016 (CAR 2016) with regard to air accident investigations.

  5. 19 Mac 2019 · The accident investigation process is laid out by the standards and recommended practices in an international agreement called Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation.

  6. THE OBJECTIVE OF AN AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION 1.1 GENERAL 1.1.1 The sole objective of an investigation into an aircraft accident or incident conducted under the provisions of Annex 13 shall be the prevention of accidents and incidents. Annex 13 also states that it is not the purpose of an investigation to apportion blame or liability.

  7. The restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic required that accident investigation authorities (AIA) conceived ways to discharge their investigation obligations called for in Annex 13 – Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation in a safe and appropriate manner.