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  1. ELIXIR empowers you with 40 years of breakthrough Collagen Science to restore skin’s moisture, elasticity, and radiance for youthful-looking skin.

  2. Elixir is a dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable applications. Elixir runs on the Erlang VM, known for creating low-latency, distributed, and fault-tolerant systems.

  3. › zh-hans › lessons基础 · Elixir School

    Elixir 自带了iex这样一个交互 shell,可以让我们随时计算 Elixir 表达式的值。 运行 iex 命令,让我们开始教程: Erlang/OTP {{ site.erlang.OTP }} [erts-{{ site.erlang.erts }}] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] [dtrace] Interactive Elixir ({{ site.elixir.version ...

  4. The Elixir programming language is broken into 6 applications. The links below reference the documentation for the modules and functions in each of those applications. See also our Getting Started guide and the Learning page for books, courses, videos, and more.

  5. www.w3ccoo.comelixir › indexElixir 教程

    Elixir 教程. Elixir 是一种动态的函数式语言,旨在构建可扩展且可维护的应用程序。. 它构建在 Erlang 之上。. Elixir 利用 Erlang VM,该 VM 以运行低延迟、分布式和容错系统而闻名,同时也成功用于 Web 开发和嵌入式软件领域。.

  6. › zh-hans › lessonsBasics · Elixir School

    模块(Module). 根据以往的经验,我们知道把所有的函数都放到同一个文件是不可控的。. 这节课我们就讲一下如何给函数分组,以及如何定义一种叫结构体的特殊映射来有效地组织代码。. Mix. 在更深入了解 Elixir 之前,我们必须先学习 mix。. 如果你熟悉 Ruby 的话 ...

  7. Elixir is a functional, concurrent, high-level general-purpose programming language that runs on the BEAM virtual machine, which is also used to implement the Erlang programming language. Elixir builds on top of Erlang and shares the same abstractions for building distributed, fault-tolerant applications.

  8. First, Elixir code is divided by each application inside the lib folder: elixir - Elixir's kernel and standard library. eex - EEx is the template engine that allows you to embed Elixir. ex_unit - ExUnit is a simple test framework that ships with Elixir. iex - IEx stands for Interactive Elixir: Elixir's interactive shell. logger - Logger is the ...

  9. Elixirs official documentation includes a Getting Started guide to learn more about Elixir’s foundations. Later on, it explores how to build projects with Mix and OTP. Elixir also includes extensive API documentation. The Elixir Community has also produced plenty of resources to learn the language from different backgrounds and other ...

  10. Elixir 和其他函数式语言一样,函数都是一等公民。我们将学习 Elixir 中不同类型的函数,它们与众不同的地方,以及如何使用它们。

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