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  1. › wiki › Kaoru_OtsukiKaoru Otsuki - Wikipedia

    Kaoru Otsuki (Japanese: 大月 薰, romanized: Ōtsuki Kaoru; 6 August 1888 – 21 December 1970) was a Japanese woman known for being the second wife of Sun Yat-sen, the founder and first president of the Republic of China.

  2. Jun 22, 2022 · During Sun’s exile in Japan, he met Kaoru Otsuki in 1898, when she was only ten years old. Several years later, after persistently asking her father for marriage, Sun finally got his approval and married Otsuki in 1903.

  3. 大月薰1888年出生于 日本 ,是 孙中山 的日籍夫人。 [1] 中文名. 大月薰. 国 籍. 日本. 出生日期. 1888年. 出生地. 日本. 性 别. 女. 人物生平. 孙中山 是中国革命的先行者,他不但思想进步,志向远大,具有很强的革命斗争精神,而且他也是一位非常热爱生活的性情中人。 1894年11月24日,孙中山创立了中国早期资产阶级革命团体 兴中会 ,1895年10月他同其他反清进步人士在筹备“ 广州起义 ”过程中因事情泄露而失败,几名主要人士牺牲。 此后孙中山避难日本,并仍坚持反清革命活动。 孙中山在日本期间住在 横滨 的一幢公寓里,交了不少朋友。 1898年他的日本朋友大月素堂家里发生一起火灾,一下子就失去了住处,无奈之下只好寄住在孙中山寓所的二楼。

  4. Aug 16, 2019 · During his exile in Japan, Sun Yat-sen met Kaoru Otsuki and asked for her hand in marriage in 1901. Since she was only 13 at the time, her father forbade their marriage until 1903. They had a daughter named Fumiko who, after Sun Yat-sen abandoned them in 1906, was adopted by a family named Miyagawa.

  5. Kaoru Otsuki, born in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, was the Japanese wife of Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Republic of China.

  6. Oct 2, 2019 · During Sun's exile in Japan, he had relationships with two Japanese women: the 15-year-old Haru Asada, whom he took as a concubine up to her death in 1902, and another 15-year-old schoolgirl, Kaoru Otsuki, whom Sun married in 1905 and abandoned the next year while she was pregnant. [151]

  7. Even he had a Japanese wife named Kaoru Otsuki. In addition, there is a heresy that Sun saw Comet Halley from the Hakusan Shrine in 1910 during his visit to Toten Miyazaki. Miyazaki was living nearby the Hakusan Shrine.