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  1. › wiki › KeturahKeturah - Wikipedia

    Keturah (Hebrew: קְטוּרָה, Qəṭūrā, possibly meaning "incense"; Arabic: قطورة) was a wife and a concubine of the Biblical patriarch Abraham. According to the Book of Genesis, Abraham married Keturah after the death of his first wife, Sarah. Abraham and Keturah had six sons.

  2. Oct 26, 2018 · But who exactly was Keturah and why did Abraham marry her? What pushed him to have six more children so late in life? Rashi tells us that Keturah was one and the same as Hagar, whom Abraham had married more than 50 years prior (when he was 85 years of age), and who bore his firstborn, Ishmael.1. So why the name change?

  3. Keturah (Ibrani: קְטוּרָה, Qəṭūrā, mungkin bermaksud "kemenyan"; Arab: قطورة) ialah seorang isteri dan gundik kepada Abraham. Menurut Kitab Kejadian, Abraham berkahwin dengan Keturah selepas kematian isteri pertamanya, Sarah. Abraham dan Ketura mempunyai enam anak lelaki.

  4. Jun 11, 2010 · Keturah bermaksud kemenyan atau pun wangi-wangian yang kadangkala digunakan dalam upacara ritual. Dari sini kita dapat menyelusuri susurgalur bangsa Melayu sebagai bangsa spiritual. Tidak diketahui siapakah ibu bapa Keturah. Tetapi terdapat sumber yang mengatakan kemungkinan Keturah berasal dari kaum kerabat raja agung Sargon yang memerintah ...

  5. Jan 4, 2022 · Keturah was Abrahams second wife, following the death of Sarah, his first wife (Genesis 23:2; 25:1). We know little about Keturah, other than her name and the names of the sons she bore to Abraham (Genesis 25:2; 1 Chronicles 1:32–33).

  6. Keturah, one of Abrahams three wives, with her children (right); Sarah and Isaac are in the center, Hagar and Ishmael are on the left. From the Venice Haggadah of 1609. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

  7. KETURAH kĭ tŏŏr’ ə ( קְטוּרָֽה, meaning incense or perfumed one) was a wife of Abraham. Nothing is known of her background. She is mentioned by name only ( Gen 25:1, 4; 1 Chron 1:32, 33 ). In the latter reference she is referred to as Abraham’s concubine.

  8. Ketuhar ( Jawi: ‏كتوهر‎ ‎, juga oven tidak formal, serapan bahasa Inggeris) ditakrifkan sebagai sejenis dapur tertutup yang ditebatkan habanya sehingga dalamnya cukup panas untuk memanaskan, membakar atau mengeringkan sesuatu; [1] dan ia kerap digunakan untuk tujuan memasak.

  9. Keturah: Bible. by Naomi Steinberg. Keturah, one of Abrahams three wives, with her children (right); Sarah and Isaac are in the center, Hagar and Ishmael are on the left. From the Venice Haggadah of 1609.

  10. KETURAH (Heb. קְטוּרָה), a wife (Gen. 25:1) or concubine of Abraham (cf. 25:6; I Chron. 1:32). She bore him six sons (Gen. 25:2; I Chron. 1:32), the most prominent of these being *Midian.

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