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  1. a pleasant musical sound made by different notes being played or sung at the same time: in harmony The choir sang the last verse in harmony. It is a simple melody with complex harmonies. Fewer examples. It's thrilling to hear the four-part harmony, with the voices perfectly balanced.

  2. Shop Harmony products in the Largest Music Store in Asia - Swee Lee offers free delivery in Malaysia.

  3. a situation in which people are peaceful and agree with each other, or when different things seem right or suitable together: living together in peace and harmony. harmony noun (MUSIC) a pleasant sound in music, made by playing or singing a group of different notes together.

  4. Harmony is the sound of things that go together well — people singing in harmony are in tune with each other. Best friends should be in harmony most of the time if they want to stay best buds! Harmony is a noun that describes an agreement, such as in feeling, sound, look, feel, or smell.

  5. 1. uncountable noun B2. If people are living in harmony with each other, they are living together peacefully rather than fighting or arguing. We must try to live in peace and harmony with ourselves and those around us. He projected himself as the protector of national unity and harmony. 2. variable noun.

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