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  1. › wiki › Xue_YueXue Yue - Wikipedia

    Xue Yue [a] (December 26, 1896 – May 3, 1998) was a Chinese Nationalist military general, nicknamed the " Patton of Asia" by Claire Lee Chennault of the Flying Tigers. [1] Early life and career. Former residence of Xue Yue in Nanjing. Born to a peasant family in Shaoguan, Guangdong, Xue joined the Tongmenghui in 1909.

  2. Xue Yue is originally the 3rd Young Master of the Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce. Forced since childhood to pretend to be male due to her Dragon Marrow Phoenix Body, Xue Yue lives a cruel life of lies, leading to the development of a bitter and even cruel disposition.

  3. 薛岳是 中华民国陆军 一级上将 , 国民革命军 著名将领,军事家 [3-4] 。 曾获得美国总统 杜鲁门 颁授的 总统自由勋章 和国民政府授予的 青天白日勋章 。 1909年参加 同盟会 ,1916年考入 保定军校 第六期。 毕业后至广东,任 孙中山 大总统警卫团第一营营长。 北伐时任第一师师长,后任 国民革命军第四军 师长。 1933年任第五军军长,参加对 中央革命根据地 的“围剿”和对红军长征的追击。 1937年任滇黔绥靖公署主任兼贵州省政府主席。 抗日战争时期,任第十九集团军总司令,第三战区前敌总指挥、第一战区前敌总指挥、第九战区代司令长官,参加 淞沪抗战 、 兰封会战 、南浔作战。 1939年兼任 湖南省政府 主席。

  4. Xue Yue (Chinese: 薛岳; pinyin: Xuē Yuè; December 26, 1896 – May 3, 1998) was a Chinese Nationalist military general, nicknamed by Claire Lee Chennault of the Flying Tigers as the Patton of Asia[2]. Born to a Hakka peasant family in Guangdong, Xue joined the army in 1914, at the age of 18. When...

  5. I’m manhua only reader and right now i’m at the end of the Starfield arc. I want to clear out some Questions up before starting a new arc. So my main question is about relationship of Yang kai and Xue Yue.

  6. Xue Yue (1896-1998) was a Nationalist general in the Republic of China. Xue joined the Chinese army in 1914, at the age of 18. Along with Hu Zongnan and Tang Enbo, Xue was one of the Kuomintang generals most respected by the Japanese during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

  7. Xue Yue was born into a peasant family in Guangdong (Canton) Province. He joined the Chinese Army in 1914, and later enrolled in the Whampoa Military Academy. He proved himself as an able officer during the Northern Expedition and the civil war against the Communist forces.