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  1. 亚伦 (Aaron) ,是《 圣经 》中 记载 的人物, 名字有四个意思,分别是:“住在山里的人”“升高”“开通”和“开朗”。

  2. › wiki › AaronAaron - Wikipedia

    According to Abrahamic religions, Aaron (/ ˈ ɛər ən / AIR-ən or / ˈ ær ən / ARR-ən) was a Jewish prophet, a high priest, and the elder brother of Moses. Information about Aaron comes exclusively from religious texts, such as the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament (Luke, Acts, and Hebrews), and the Quran.

  3. 亚伦(Aaron)是圣经中的人物,摩西的兄长,属利未支派。 他是古以色列人的第一位祭司长,亦是祭司职位的始创人。 当摩西向埃及法老王请求释放以色列人时,他是代表摩西与埃及法老打交道的发言人。

  4. God charged Aaron and Moses with commemorating the event at Passover, and Aaron and his sons were given priestly authority by Moses. Though Aaron is a pivotal figure in Exodus, he nearly fades from view thereafter.

  5. 15 Ogo 2018 · Aaron ranks as one of the three most important high priests mentioned in the Bible, the other two being Melchizedek and Jesus Christ . Melchizedek, an early worshiper of the One True God, blessed Abraham at Salem ( Genesis 14:18 ). Hundreds of years later came the priesthood of the tribe of Levi, started by Aaron.

  6. 24 Mei 2024 · Aaron (flourished 14th century bce) was the traditional founder and head of the Israelite priesthood, who, with his brother Moses, led the Israelites out of Egypt. The figure of Aaron as it is now found in the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible, is built up from several sources of traditions.

  7. The meaning of the name is unknown, as is the case with many Biblical names. A connection with “ark” ( ’aron) is quite improbable, as are also “mountaineer” (from har, “mountain”), “illumined” (from ’or, “light”). The ending ōn occurs frequently with personal names.

  8. 24 Mei 2024 · As the interpreter of these Covenant stipulations, he was the organizer of the community’s religious and civil traditions. In the Judaic tradition, he is revered as the greatest prophet and teacher, and Judaism has sometimes loosely been called Mosaism, or the Mosaic faith, in Western Christendom.

  9. See ABIATHAR. ATS Bible Dictionary. Aaron. The son of Amram and Jochabed, of the tribe of Levi, and brother of Moses and Miriam, Exodus 6:20; born about the year B. C. 1574. He was three years older than Moses, Exodus 7:7 and was the spokesman and assistant of the latter in bringing Israel out of Egypt, Exodus 4:16.

  10. 23 Apr 2024 · Yes, Aaron is certainly well loved in the Midrash—a little less in the Bible, let’s admit it. When God explains to Moses why he and his brother Aaron may not enter the Promised Land, he uses harsh words, hurtful arguments. But, Aaron can console himself because he is not the only one to be blamed. The second episode is no less troubling.

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