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  1. 媒体师大 162024-07 多家媒体报道我校18载坚守毛笔手写录取通知书 162024-07 教育部网站丨陕西师范大学聚焦“三个强化”推进 新时代辅导员队伍建设 152024-07 中央电视台中文国际频道丨改革开放新篇章 老外的中国梦 陕西:孟加拉国博士夫妻和他们的“西安娃” 152024-07 群众新闻丨“推动共建‘一带一 ...

  2. Shaanxi Normal University International Student Scholarship is a full scholarship or a partial scholarship established by our university to enroll outstanding international students for...

  3. Shaanxi Normal University ( SNNU; 陕西师范大学) is a public university in Chang'an, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. It is affiliated with the Ministry of Education.

  4. Shaanxi Normal University is one of the top public universities in Xi'an, China (Mainland). It is ranked #=180 in Asian University Rankings - Eastern Asia 2024.

  5. 陕西师范大学SHAANXI NORMAL UNIVERSITY),简称陕西师大陕师大SNNU),位于 陕西省 西安市 ,学校由国务院教育行政部门主管,是教育部直属的全国重点大学 [1] [51]。 学校入选国家“ 211工程 ”“ 双一流 ”“ 985工程优势学科创新平台 ”建设高校,是全国首批博士和硕士学位授予单位、首批“国优计划”试点高校、教育部深化创新创业教育改革示范高校 [1]、 国家教育体制改革 首批试点高校 [75]、新丝绸之路大学联盟成员 [76]。 陕西师范大学前身是1944年成立的陕西省立师范专科学校,1954年更名为西安师范学院,1960年与陕西师范学院合并,定名为陕西师范大学。

  6. Shaanxi Normal University (SNNU) is a higher learning institution in central China, founded in 1944 and incorporated into the infrastructure and development 211 Project in 2011. The two campuses, Yanta and Chang’an, are both located in Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi province and the oldest of the four great ancient capitals of China.

  7. Shaanxi Normal University is ranked #804 in Best Global Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

  8. Shaanxi Normal University offers a wide variety of academic programs, some of which are among the nation’s best.

  9. Shaanxi Normal University (SNNU) is one of the key institutions of higher learning directly affiliated to Ministry of Education and it entered “211 Project University” in 2006.

  10. Shanxi Normal University has nearly 30,000 students on three campuses in Linfen, Shanxi, China. There are 22 departments and over 19,000 students majoring in economics, philosophy, the science of law, literature, history, science, engineering and others, with a total of 10 academic disciplines.