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  1. Cancer · June 22 - July 22

    • Today's horoscope for Cancer

      Your attachment to others is strong -- and one of your many virtues. Today you need to make the most of it by throwing yourself into service of some kind. You may need to ask lots of questions first.

    • This week's horoscope for Cancer

      This week, your value is clear to yourself and others. The week begins on Sunday, July 14, with the moon in Scorpio squaring Pluto in Aquarius and your house of credit and debt. Cancer, this is a good day to review your statements and check your online accounts. Make sure everything looks the way it should. When you’re out and about, keep...

    • This month's horoscope for Cancer

      Self-Expression As July gets underway, the sun and lovely Venus continue to move through your sign, Cancer, bringing opportunities to project your best qualities out into the world. You’ll have the attractor factor, which can endear you to others, highlighting your natural warmth and empathy. You’ll be ready to start on plans and projects...
