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  1. Social capital theory (SCT) was first defined by Bourdieu (1985) as “the aggregate of the actual or potential resources which are linked to possession of a durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance or recognition”.

  2. One of the key challenges in social capital theory is the confusion about what causes social capital, what social capital is, and what the results of social capital are.

  3. The theory posits that social networks are a form of capital, much like physical or human capital, that can be leveraged to achieve social and economic outcomes. Key thinkers associated with this theory include Pierre Bourdieu, James Coleman, and Robert Putnam.

  4. We propose a critical roadmap of the social capital theories and applications for a general audience, nonusers included, with particular attention to the works of political and social economists.

  5. Yet the truth is that social capital is intuitively understood by all humans since we are fundamentally, to our core, social. This guide provides answers to many of the important questions about social capital and includes links to our extensive resources on the concept and theory.

  6. Social capital refers to the structure and quality of social relationships and constitutes a positive product of social interactions that can be a source of benefits for individuals, social groups and the society as a whole.

  7. Mar 1, 2020 · Social capital is an expanding research theme in economics, but it remains a controversial concept and its use as an analytical tool has been questioned. The criticisms are exacerbated by a...