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  1. Jun 24, 2024 · 1. Tune out specific distractions as you notice them. Say you're trying to study in the library and you keep getting distracted by someone texting. Take note of this specific distraction then tell yourself you are going to overcome it. The next time you see it happen, will yourself not to look.

  2. Oct 22, 2019 · Modern life is full of distractions – and some of them can have a negative effect on our ability to concentrate when studying. The problem is that many people tend to underestimate how much...

  3. Jul 23, 2021 · #1. Familiar environments. The most classic type of distraction are the ones that are based right at home. What’s the harm of a quick nap in between your study sessions, right? Plus, if you’re feeling bored peckish, there’s always a fully stocked pantry and fridge to keep you occupied.

  4. May 25, 2021 · A distraction is something that diverts your attention away from the desired area of focus. Once you have identified the distraction, then the solution is easier to find. In our busy world of technology there are bound to be many distractions, especially ones appealing to our senses.

  5. May 7, 2018 · Procrastination is the bane of many students. Whether it’s social media or our friends, there’s always something lurking around the corner waiting to distract us from our studies. In light of this, we’ve come up with a simple guide on how to overcome five of the most common interferences.

  6. Apr 11, 2022 · College students are tempted by smartphone-related distractions 28 times a day on average, which can throw a wrench into your plans to prepare early for midterms or polish a research paper. Here are 13 solid ways to skip the distractions and get down to business.

  7. May 2, 2020 · Of course, having your phone next to you while you study could be a distraction (as mentioned in the previous tip). This means that you’ll need to be careful not to use your phone for anything else.