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  1. LockUp Rules 1953. Please log in here to view or download this item.

  2. Lock-up : Place gazetted for confinement of persons, remanded or sentenced to imprisonment, not exceeding one month. It can be located in police station or court houses. Lock-up Supervisor : Officer in-charge of the care and management of lock-up based upon Lock-Up Rules, 19532. Medical Officer conducting Medical Examination

  3. Lockup Rules 1953 L.N 328/1953 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.

  4. The document outlines rules for the administration of lockups in Malaysia in 1953. It addresses issues like accommodations, segregation of prisoners, admission and discharge procedures, treatment of prisoners including diets, exercise and prohibited items, work hours, visits, and privileges.

  5. 3 Rule 22(1) of the Lock-Up Rules 1953 states: A prisoner shall be entitled, subject as hereinafter provided, to such visits from his relatives, friends, and advocates as are consistent with the proper discipline of the lock-up.

  6. Section 7. Appointment of lock-ups at police stations and court houses as places of detention. (1) It shall be lawful for the Minister, by notification in the Gazette, to appoint lock-ups at such police stations and court houses as may be specified in the notification to be places for the

  7. The Lockup Rules 1953 apply to all lockups. Rule 2 defines a "lockup" as a lockup appointed by the Secretary for Defence under sub–section 1 of section 8 of the 1952 Ordinance. Sections 8 (1) and (2) of the 1952 Ordinance read as follows: