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  1. 拼多多作为新电商开创者,致力于将娱乐社交的元素融入电商运营中,通过“社交+电商”的模式,让更多的用户带着乐趣分享实惠,享受全新的共享式购物体验。

  2. Our Principles. Our Values. Pinduoduo's core value is "本分" (Ben Fen). It is difficult to express it perfectly in English, but it essentially means to adhere firmly to one's own duties and principles. There are several layers of meaning here: Be honest and trustworthy; Discharge our own duties and responsibilities regardless of others' conduct;

  3. Pinduoduo - Together, More Savings, More Fun

  4. Pinduoduo offers an interactive and fun “virtual bazaar” experience to our users, anywhere and anytime. Check out our App! Our Products. Play the video. Logistics Information Platform.

  5. True to its slogan "Together, More savings, More fun", Pinduoduo brings fun into consumers' shopping journey. As a company rooted in agriculture, Pinduoduo has worked with more than 16 million farmers and their communities to take part in and benefit from the fast-growing digital economy.

  6. 拼多多创立于2015年4月是上海本土成长的互联网企业。 生于移动年代,拼多多以农产品零售平台起家,深耕农业,开创了以拼为特色的农产品零售的新模式,逐步发展成为以农副产品为鲜明特色的全品类综合性电商平台,是全球具备规模的纯移动电商平台。 作为新电商开创者,拼多多致力于以创新的消费者体验,将“多实惠” 和 “多乐趣” 融合起来为最广大用户创造持久的价值。 拼多多于2018年7月在美国纳斯达克上市(NASDAQ:PDD)。 截至2021年6月,平台年度活跃用户数达到8.499亿,商家数达到860万,平均每日在途包裹数逾亿单,是中国大陆地区用户数最多的电商平台,更是全世界最大的农副产品线上零售平台。 价值观. 普惠,人为先,更开放。

  7. When we launched Pinduoduo in 2015, whether you were in the city or the countryside, whether you were a professor or a farmer, mobile Internet was equally accessible to all. As the new platform born of this time, our mission has been to serve all and benefit all.