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  1. An Inception Report summarizes the review of documentation (“desk review’’) undertaken by the evaluation team mandated by UNODC and specifies the evaluation methodology determining thereby the exact focus and scope of the exercise, including the evaluation questions, the sampling strategy, a critical analysis of the quality of provided documents...

  2. The inception report describes the conceptual framework the evaluator will use in undertaking the evaluation. It sets out in some detail the evaluation methodology, i.e. how each question will be answered by way of data collection methods, data sources, sampling and indicators.

  3. This template for an inception report by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is structured around the same headings as the mid-term report. It provides an opportunity to set out the framing of the evaluation (its purpose and questions) and how these evaluation questions will be answered.

  4. Jan 15, 2020 · An inception report, written before project activities begin, details how the project will be carried out and how various aspects will be evaluated. Find a sample of an inception report online that uses a consultancy inception report template, World Bank format or Ability Database format.

  5. WORK PLAN The inception report must contain a work plan, which indicates the phases of the evaluation, the timing, key deliverables and milestones. A timeline, Gantt Chart or standard work process flow chart should be used. This helps in communicating the work plan and time lines and in keeping track of the evaluation’s progress.

  6. This inception report outlines the proposed methodology, issues, milestones, work tasks and schedule for the IE in order to • inform relevant stakeholders to the project that UNDP is conducting this evaluation; and • have a common understanding on the evaluation approach, methodologies, work plan and key milestones. BACKGROUND

  7. 1 Introduction. Describe the programme. State the purpose and scope. 2 Evaluation framework. Discuss the overall approach. Discuss risks and limitations. 3 Evaluation methodology. Specify an indicator or indicators. Discuss the data collection and data analysis methods. Present the key data sources. Discuss the sampling methods and details.