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  1. Lights-out manufacturing is the methodology of fully automating the production of goods at factories and other industrial facilities, such as to require no human presence on-site. Many of these factories are considered to be able to run "with the lights off," but few run exclusively lights-out production.

  2. What is a lights-out factory? Lights-out factories, and more commonly, lights-out manufacturing cells, are possible today because of the development and maturity of numerous automated machines and robots and comprehensive and proven manufacturing operations management (MOM) software.

  3. 22 Okt 2020 · Lights out manufacturing (also known as a “dark factory”) is a production method that requires little to no human interaction—essentially running on its own, even in a dark and otherwise empty factory.

  4. 20 Feb 2020 · The term “lights-out manufacturing” refers to factories that can continue operating autonomously without humans being physically present. They’re also called dark factories because, at least for most processes, robots can carry out their programmed duties even with the lights off.

  5. 19 Dis 2023 · Lights-out manufacturing can also be referred to as a "dark factory" because, as the name implies, the lights in the factory can essentially be turned off while the robot and automation systems operate on their own, enabling 24/7 production with minimal human supervision and involvement.

  6. The concept of a “lights-outfactory – one in which the requirements for human activity are so minimal that the facility can operate in the dark – has been around for decades, but the digital and automation technologies needed to make it a reality at scale are just now maturing.

  7. 27 Jun 2023 · Lights-out Factories are Yet to Materialize. It is an ambitious expectation for lights-out production. Traditionally, the type of manufacturing that lends itself to this type of factory is...