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  1. › wiki › CanadaCanada - Wikipedia

    Upon Confederation in 1867, Canada was adopted as the legal name for the new country at the London Conference and the word dominion was conferred as the country's title. By the 1950s, the term Dominion of Canada was no longer used by the United Kingdom, which considered Canada a "realm of the Commonwealth".

  2. In Canada or abroad, advice, advisories, passports, visit Canada, events, attractions

  3. 加拿大 ( 英语 、 法语 :Canada,读音: /ˈkænədə/(英)/kanada/(法) )是一个位于 北美洲 北部的国家,属于 西半球 及 北半球 ,其领土西临 太平洋 ,东濒 大西洋 ,北接 北冰洋 ,有部分领土位于 北极圈 内。. 加拿大东北方与 丹麦 领地 格陵兰 相望,並以 ...

  4. › en › immigration-refugees-citizenshipVisit Canada -

    Visit Canada. Find out what document you need to travel, visit family and friends, do business, or transit through Canada, and how to extend your stay.

  5. › en › immigration-refugees-citizenshipImmigrate to Canada -

    Immigrate to Canada. How you can immigrate to Canada, how to protect yourself from fraud and what to expect after you arrive in Canada

  6. 加拿大( 英语 / 法语 :Canada),首都 渥太华 ,位于 北美洲 北部。. 东临 大西洋 ,西濒 太平洋 ,西北部邻 美国 阿拉斯加州 ,南接 美国 本土,北靠 北冰洋 。. 气候大部分为 亚寒带针叶林气候 和 湿润大陆性气候 ,北部极地区域为 极地长寒气候 。. 全国 ...

  7. 2 days ago · Canada, the second largest country in the world in area, occupying roughly the northern two-fifths of the continent of North America. Despite Canada’s great size, it is one of the world’s most sparsely populated countries. It has crafted what many consider to be a model multicultural society.

  8. 加拿大 ( 英語 、 法語 :Canada,讀音: /ˈkænədə/(英)/kanada/(法) )是一個位於 北美洲 北部的國家,屬於 西半球 及 北半球 ,其領土西臨 太平洋 ,東瀕 大西洋 ,北接 北冰洋 ,有部分領土位於 北極圈 內。. 加拿大東北方與 丹麥 領地 格陵蘭 相望,並以 ...

  9. Sep 5, 2023 · Canada is one of world's top trading nations - and one of its richest. Alongside a dominant service sector, Canada also has vast oil reserves and is a major exporter of energy, food and...

  10. Canada is a country in North America. Its land reaches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. The Arctic Ocean is to the north of Canada. Canada's land area is 9.98 million square kilometres (3.85 million square miles). It is the world's second largest country by total area, but only the fourth largest country by ...

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