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  1. The Malaysia Road Safety Plan 2014-2020 (PKJRM 2014-2020) implemented by the government has succeeded in recording a decrease in road accidents by 4.8% each year. For continuity, the Malaysia Road Safety Plan 2022–2030 (PKJRM 2022-2030) has been developed.

  2. Road Safety Division under the purview of JPJ (formerly known as JKJR) as the leading for road safety advocacy and awareness play roles in coordinating safety initiatives towards improving road safety in Malaysia.

  3. Jan 13, 2022 · KUALA LUMPUR, 13 January 2022 – In an endeavour to reduce road accidents and fatalities as well as to foster greater road safety awareness amongst road users, the Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) and the Malaysian Takaful Association (MTA) jointly kickstarted the year-long PIAM-MTA 2022 Nationwide Road Safety Campaign in Kuala Lumpur ...

  4. MRR No. 301: An Observational Study on Road Safety Practices Based on Road Safety Education; MRR No. 299: MIROS Crash Investigation and Reconstruction Statistical Report 2014 – 2016; MRR No. 297 Identifying Relationship between Skid Resistance and Road Crashes in Malaysia

  5. The Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 reflects an ambitious target to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries by 50% by 2030. It highlights that they can be prevented by addressing the whole of the transport system, taking action to ensure safe roads, vehicles and behaviours as well as to improve emergency care.

  6. Jan 27, 2022 · PUTRAJAYA, Jan 27 — The Malaysian Road Safety Plan (PKJRM) 2022 - 2030 was launched to improve safety and protect the welfare of road users, with a vision towards ‘Malaysia, A Country with Zero Road Accident Deaths’ said Transport Minister Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong.

  7. Current: PELAN KESELAMATAN JALAN RAYA MALAYSIA 2022-2030. Nahas jalan raya merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian di negara ini. Pelan Keselamatan Jalan Raya Malaysia 2014- 2020 (PKJRM 2014-2020) yang dilaksanakan kerajaan telah berjaya mencatatkan penurunan kemalangan jalan raya sebanyak 4.8% pada setiap tahun.