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  1. The Anglo-Chinese School in Kampar, Perak comprises Sekolah Kebangsaan Methodist (ACS) Kampar and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Methodist (ACS) Kampar. The buildings are located opposite each other, linked by an overhead bridge that is rarely used by the students.

  2. Aug 17, 2016 · THE Anglo-Chinese School Kampar, was founded in April, 1903 in the sixteenth. year of the reign of Sultan Sir Idris Murshid Al-Azzam Shah G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. It was not a very eventful year in Malayan history but the little mining town of Kampar was rapidly growing in population and wealth, and an English School was an urgent necessity.

  3. THE Anglo Chinese School (ACS) Kampar recently celebrated a proud milestone — its 120th anniversary. Hundreds of its alumni members returned from around the world to participate in the celebration of celebrate this auspicious occasion.

  4. Perletakan batu asas untuk sekolah Anglo-Chinese School, Kampar ini bermula pada April 1903 apabila Rev. W.E. Horley memulakan sebuah kelas Bahasa Inggeris di Chinese Methodist Church. Ini bermakna bahawa bangunan sekolah yang pertama itu merupakan sebuah rumah gereja.

  5. Perkembangan Anglo-Chinese School, Kampar Selepas Kemerdekaan (1958-1980) Semenjak tahun 1950 langkah-langkah telah diambil untuk mengkaji semula sistem pendidikan di negara ini supaya bersesuaian dengan kehendak dan aspirasi rakyat Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.

  6. ACS 1970 is a closed group of classmates and their spouses who uphold their valuable education from the Anglo Chinese School in Kampar. Most members left the school in 1970 after Form Five, some left in 1968 after Form Three and yet some left even earlier in 1966 after Standard Six.

  7. This blogsite is created for the students of class 1979 who studied at Anglo Chinese School, Kampar, Perak. This would also include their fellow classmates who left before 1979. Please feel free to contact the adminstrator at