Yahoo Malaysia Web Search

Search results

  1. Majlis Perubatan Malaysia (MPM), Cawangan Pendaftaran Pakar (NSR), B-13A-7, Megan Avenue 2, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Phone: +603 2181 1460

  2. The Malaysian Medical Council has established the Specialist Register to keep the database of specialist medical practitioners in the country. Only medical practitioners on the Specialist Register can practice in their respective specialty.

  3. Specialist Registration. Kindly refer to the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) website. Click Here

  4. Search for Registered Doctor. Name. Graduated From. Place Of Practice.

  5. Referee’s Report for Specialist Registration. Primary Source Verification. List of Specialties & Fields of Practice. List of Recognized Postgraduate Qualifications. Online Applications for Specialist. MORE.

  6. Register. Search Registered Doctor. Medical Register Information and Technical System (MeRITS)

  7. Pursuant to the Medical Act 1971, you are required to register with the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) to practice medicine in Malaysia. Hence, your application should be submitted prior to your medical practice.

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