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  1. Apr 13, 2023 · Mudharabah adalah bentuk akad, perjanjian atau kontrak antara dua pihak atau lebih untuk melakukan kerja sama menjalankan suatu usaha untuk memperoleh pendapatan atau keuntungan. Pemilik modal dapat disebut shahibul maal, rabbul maal, atau propretior.

  2. (a) Unrestricted Mudarabah (Mudarabah Mutlaqah) is a contract in which the rabbul mal permits the mudarib to manage the mudarabah capital without any specific restriction.

  3. Learn about the concept and application of mudarabah, a profit-sharing contract in Islamic finance, from Bank Negara Malaysia's official document.

  4. Mar 26, 2024 · Mudarabah (profit-loss sharing business) is a type of business agreement between two parties where one party provides capital (Rabb-ul-Maal) and the other labor or management (Mudarib) for the business. It helps finance businesses based on profit sharing without involving any riba or interest.

  5. Al Mudarabah Al Mutlaqah: However if Rab-ul-maal gives full freedom to Mudarib to undertake whatever business he deems fit, this is called Al Mudarabah Al Mutlaqah (unrestricted Mudarabah). However Mudarib cannot, without the consent of Rab-ul-Maal, lend money to anyone.

  6. Pengertian Mudharabah Mutlaqah adalah investasi tanpa syarat. Pendeknya, pengusaha (Mudharib) bebas mengelola modalnya dan berbuat apa saja, asalkan usahanya menghasilkan keuntungan. Di Bank, metode Mudharabah Mutlaqah merupakan kerjasama antara bank dan Mudharib.

  7. Definition of mudarabah. Literally, the word mudarabah is derived from the Arabic “ daraba ” which means travelling for business. Technically, mudarabah is a type of partnership where one party provides capital and the other party provides labour and management skills.

  8. Apr 5, 2017 · Mudharabah is essentially an Islamic term for a profit-sharing arrangement. In a Mudharabah contract, the investor (called Rabbul Mal ) provides the capital while the entrepreneur ( Mudarib ) provides the expertise and specialization.

  9. Mudarabah is defined as an agreement between two parties where one party provides capital while the other manages the investment activities. Both parties share the profits as well as any potential losses according to their agreed ratio.

  10. Mudarabah is a special kind of partnership where one partner providers the capital (rabb-ul-maal) to the other (mudarib) for investment in a commercial enterprise. According to Mufti Taqi Usmani Damat Barakhatuhum, a mudarabah arrangement differs from the musharakah in five major ways: