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  1. [ C or U ] a failure to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do. 拖欠,不履行債務;違約. Defaults on loan repayments have reached 52,000 a month. 拖欠貸款的現象每月已達52 000宗。 Any default on your mortgage payments may mean you will lose your house. 不按時償還抵押貸款就意味著可能會失去房子。

  2. default noun (RESULT) [ U ] the thing that exists or happens if you do not change it intentionally by performing an action. 默认结果,既定结果;预置值;缺省值. Unless something else is agreed, the default is to meet at the hotel at 7.00 p.m. 如果没有变化,按约定下午7点在酒店见面。.

  3. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供default的中文意思,default的用法讲解,default的读音,default的同义词,default的反义词,default的例句等英语服务

  4. DEFAULT的意思解釋及翻譯1. to fail to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do: 2. In sport, if a…。了解更多。

  5. default. KK [dɪˋfɔlt] DJ [diˋfɔ:lt] 美式. n. [U] 不履行,違約,拖欠;不參加(比賽);(中途)棄權. vi. 不履行,拖欠 [(+on/in)];不出場;不參加;不到案;棄權. vt. 不履行,拖欠;對……處以缺席裁判. 過去式:defaulted 過去分詞:defaulted 現在分詞:defaulting. 釋義. 相關詞. n. [U]...

  6. [ U ] the thing that exists or happens if you do not change it intentionally by performing an action. 默認結果,既定結果;預設值;缺省值. Unless something else is agreed, the default is to meet at the hotel at 7.00 p.m. 如果沒有變化,按約定下午七點在飯店見面。 The computer will take 0 as the default value, unless you type in something different. 如果不輸入其他數值,電腦就把0當作預設值。

  7. default [ dɪˈfɔːlt ] I n [c] 1 ( in computing) default (value/setting) 默认 (認) (值/设 (設)置) mòrèn (zhí/shèzhì) 2 to be in default (on/of sth) [+ loan, debt] 拖欠 (某物) tuōqiàn (mǒuwù) II vi to default on a debt 拖欠借款 tuōqiàn jièkuǎn. to win by default. 因对 (對)手未出场 (場)而赢 (贏)得比赛 (賽) yīn duìshǒu wèi chūchǎng ér yíngdé bǐsài. 在这些条目还发现'default': 在英文解释里: