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  1. Macrotrends - The Premier Research Platform for Long Term Investors. Stock screener with over 50 performance and fundamental criteria. 50+ years of historical stock price and dividend data. 10 years of quarterly stock fundamental data. 100+ years of inflation-adjusted data for major market indices.

  2. A series of current and historical charts tracking U.S. economic indicators. Employment, GDP, inflation rates, housing, consumer spending and much more.

  3. Stocks by Sector. Research and compare over 5000 U.S. and foreign equities by price performance, geographic region and investment focus.

  4. Macrotrends & Disruptions This issue brief outlines the macrotrends and disruptions that could shape the environment business operates in over the next 10 years. It is best read alongside our Issue Brief on the specific impacts of COVID-19 on the decade ahead. MACROTRENDS We outline 12 macrotrends set to shape the 2020s. These represent

  5. May 12, 2023 · Research by the McKinsey Global Institute on global flows of goods, services, capital, people, data, and ideas shows that 40 percent of world trade, covering about 6,000 products, comes from a relatively small number of countries. Companies face many potential pinch points in their supply chains.

  6. Jun 24, 2020 · trend snapshot. Fads, Trends, Macro Trends, Megatrends and Counter Trends are useful tools to make sense of the soaring mass of data, observations and content. We all need to cope with volumes of information; it is a requirement of our times that cannot be avoided.

  7. A macrotrend is a pervasive and persistent shift in the direction of some phenomenon on a global level. Examples of current macrotrends include urbanization, automation and changing Demographics. Within IT (information technology), edge computing, robotic process automation ( RPA ), and blockchain technologies can all be considered macrotrends.

  8. Macro Trends. In the decades to come, geopolitical trends, demographic forces, and new technologies will dramatically reshape the global economic landscape. We provide insights on how businesses can prepare for the strategic challenges and opportunities that may result from this transformation.

  9. Access major shifts in global consumer behaviour through our macrotrends intelligence, reports, research & consultancy with The Future Laboratory.

  10. A series of current and historical charts tracking major U.S. stock market indices. Charts of the Dow Jones, S&P 500, NASDAQ and many more.