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  1. Aug 1, 2016 · 货币市场工具(Money Market Instruments)所谓货币市场工具,是指期限小于或等于1年的债务工具,它们具有很高的流动性,属固定收入证券的一部分。 由于这些证券的交易在许多情况下是大宗交易,个人投资者难以参与这些证券的买卖,他们是通过货币市场基金来间接 ...

  2. Apr 5, 2022 · Money market instruments are short-term loans that provide operational capital for businesses and governments. Here's why they're needed and how they're used.

  3. Jul 4, 2024 · The money market involves the purchase and sale of large volumes of very short-term debt products such as overnight reserves or commercial paper. An individual can invest in the money market by...

  4. Monetary policy operations are wholesale and interbank market transactions undertaken by the Bank to manage liquidity in the financial system, by absorbing or adding liquidity via various types of instruments to achieve its operating target -- the average overnight interbank rate (AOIR).

  5. May 27, 2024 · The money market is a financial market wherein short-term assets and open-ended funds are traded between institutions and traders. The market offers very high liquidity as the assets can easily convert into cash.

  6. Some of the instruments traded in the money market include Treasury bills, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, federal funds, bills of exchange, and short-term mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities.

  7. Nov 2, 2022 · Some examples of these specialized instruments are federal funds, the discount window, negotiable certificates of deposit (NCDs), eurodollar time deposits, repurchase agreements,...

  8. › wiki › Money_marketMoney market - Wikipedia

    There are several money market instruments in most Western countries, including treasury bills, commercial paper, banker's acceptances, deposits, certificates of deposit, bills of exchange, repurchase agreements, federal funds, and short-lived mortgage-and asset-backed securities.

  9. Jul 18, 2023 · Financial instruments such as deposits, loans, and assets with high liquidity and short maturities are exchanged on the money market (MM). Governments, financial institutions, and large enterprises issue MM instruments. Many participants, including businesses, use it to raise money by peddling commercial papers in the marketplace.

  10. Money markets include markets for such instruments as bank accounts, including term certificates of deposit; inter-bank loans (loans between banks); money market mutual funds; commercial paper; Treasury bills; and securities lending and repurchase agreements (repos).

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