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  1. Ramsgate Victoria Hotel v Montefiore (1866) LR 1 Ex 109. Contract – Shares – Offer – Acceptance – Specific performance – Time Lapse – Reasonable Time. Facts. The defendant, Mr Montefiore, wanted to purchase shares in the complainant’s hotel. He put in his offer to the complainant and paid a deposit to his bank account to buy them ...

  2. Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Co Ltd v Montefiore Court of Exchequer Citations: (1865-66) LR 1 Ex 109. Facts A hotel company was incorporated in 1864. The company's prospectus stated that potential subscribers could place a deposit to be put on a waiting list to be issued shares. The company would return the deposit if they did…

  3. Ramsgate Victoria Hotel v Montefoire (1866) LR 1 Ex 109 The defendant offered to purchase shares in the claimant company at a certain price. Six months later the claimant accepted this offer by which time the value of the shares had fallen. The defendant had not withdrawn the offer but refused to go through with the sale.

  4. Montefiore (the defendant in the case) applied for the shares on June 8th, 1864, paying E 50, asking to be given 50 shares in the Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Company Ltd. He received a bankers' acknowledgment receipt for the aforementioned payment.

  5. Legum case brief on Ramsgate Victoria Hotel v. Montefiore. The principle(s) in this case: If a reasonable time passes after an offer is made, yet it remains unaccepted, the offer may be considered terminated. Case was heard in Court of Exchequer . Brief of Ramsgate Victoria Hotel v. Montefiore

  6. Ramsgate Victoria Hotel v Montefiore (1866) LR 1 Ex 109 Case summary . 3. Revocation An offeror may revoke an offer at any time before acceptance takes place: Dickinson v Dodds (1876) 2 Ch. D. 463 Case summary. This may not apply in unilateral offers where acceptance requires full performance: Errington v ...

  7. Ramsgate Victoria Hotel v Montefiore (1866) Facts. The defendant, Mr Montefiore, wanted to purchase shares in the complainant’s hotel. He put in his offer to the complainant and paid a deposit to his bank account to buy them in June. This was for a certain price. He did not hear anything until six months later, when the offer was accepted and ...

  8. In Ramsgate Victoria Hotel v Montefiore(1866) LR 1 Ex 109 an offer was accepted by the claimant six months after the offer, but the courts held that this offer had been revoked due to the lapse of time. In Ramsgate, six months was seen as a sufficient lapse of time due to the subject matter of the contract. The contract was for the sale of ...

  9. Apr 27, 2023 · The leading case on this point is Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Co. v Montefiore (1866) LR 1 Ex 109 in which the courts said even if an offer which has not been formally withdrawn, would expire after “a reasonable time”. In this case, the offer was for the sale of shares and the court felt six months was beyond what was reasonable. So if Angela ...

  10. May 12, 2022 · An offer to take shares had been withdrawn before any notice of acceptance of the offer was given to the applicants. Immediately on notification of the call the applicant’s solicitor wrote declining the shares and requesting the removal from the register. Held: An offer to make a contract must be accepted within a reasonable time. … Continue reading Ramsgate Hotel Co v Montefiore: 1866

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