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  1. Oct 10, 2017 · The technique of fault tree analysis (FTA) is applied to trace factors contributing to the pipe burst. The events and their subjective probability for the FTA have been ascertained by experts in the Malaysian construction industry through survey research using a snowball sampling technique.

  2. Our investigations of 49 cases of landslides over the last 6 years indicate that 60% of the failure are due to design alone, and the rest of the failures are either due to construction errors, a combination of design and construction errors, geological features and maintenance.

  3. Jan 1, 2018 · In this paper, a brief review on sinkhole formation and data related to karst topography as well as main mechanism of sinkhole collapses in Trang and Satun provinces are presented.

  4. Keywords: Sinkholes, Kinta Valley, Perak. I. INTRODUCTION. The Kinta Valley has undergone an experience of sinkholes in very long time. Among the main causes of this phenomenon is the Kinta Valley is based on more than 80% limestone from Kinta Formation (Chow, 1995).

  5. Recently, sinkhole failure occurrence in Malaysia is becoming one of the major environment disasters. The recent sinkhole occurrence at Kem Oran, Perlis and Sg.Tapah, Ipoh Perak are some of the examples of them. Most of the sinkhole occurred in areas having limestone with layers of cavities as the bedrock. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT

  6. Sinkhole data bases preferably should include information on the following aspects: (1) Precise location of the sinkholes edges. (2) Morphometric parameters. (3) Geomorphological and hydrological context. (4) Genetic type; that is subsidence mechanisms and material affected by subsidence.

  7. Consequently, many environmental problems occured, especially conserning geo-hazards (Sinkholes, rock fall) along with technological advances in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS).