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  1. May 31, 2023 · Submit a voluntary disclosure via SVDP 2.0 link on the IRBM official portal/ MyTax regarding undeclared income together with the Appendix of the SVDP 2.0 Additional Income Reporting Form and tax computation.

  2. support the pillars of sustainability in the tax administration in line with the concept of Malaysia Madani. This programme provides an opportunity for taxpayers to increase. The voluntary disclosure scope under SVDP 2.0 includes: / deductions / rebates and overclaimed capital allowances / incentives;Declaratio. of.

  3. Voluntary Disclosure Programme (SVDP) 2.0 for eligible taxpayers following the 2023 Budget Announcement by the Minister of Finance Malaysia on 24 February 2023.

  4. SVDP 2.0 aims to encourage taxpayers to improve their tax compliance based on the Awareness, Education and Services (AES) concept practised by the IRB. The programme allows taxpayers to voluntarily declare their unreported or under-reported income in previous years without incurring any penalties.

  5. SVDP 2.0 is an initiative by the Inland Revenue Board (“IRB”) to provide a golden opportunity to taxpayers in the enhancement of nationwide tax compliance level encompassing the AES concept (Awareness, Education, Service) adopted by the IRB.

  6. The SVDP 2.0 involves voluntary disclosure made within the implementation period along with payments of tax within the stipulated period for: Reporting undeclared / under-declared income, overclaimed / disallowed expenses / claims, overclaimed relief / deductions / rebates and overclaimed capital allowances / incentives;

  7. The SVDP 2.0 provides an opportunity for taxpayers to come forward voluntarily to report their income and tax computations for direct taxes that are accurate and orderly in line with the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (“IRBM”) rulings that are in force as well as encouraging taxpayers to pay taxes within the stipulated period.