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  1. Wisel [wi.sél, wi.sĕl] (Mal., pinjaman bahasa Inggeris: whistle) atau peluit [pĕ.luit] ialah sejenis alat yang menghasilkan bunyi bernada tinggi apabila badan ia ditiupkan udara melalui suatu hujung lalu terkeluar ke satu hujung yang lain.

  2. Wisel! merupakan majalah bola sepak ringan dari Malaysia terbitan Seniwara Sendirian Berhad. Ia mula diterbitkan pada tahun 2002 dan ketika itu menumpukan laporannya terhadap perkembangan dan aksi bola sepak liga-liga utama di Eropah.

  3. wisel. [wi.sél] | ويسيل. Definisi : (wisél) sj alat berupa tiub kecil dsb yg mengeluarkan bunyi siulan yg nyaring apabila ditiup: sebaik-baik ~ berbunyi mengisyaratkan kereta api itu akan bertolak, Ramlan dgn segera turun mencium tangan ibu bapanya. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat) Tesaurus.

  4. Brought to you by ADP®, a Wisely®card and myWisely mobile app3put you in charge of your money and give you more flexibility and control at every step, so you can accomplish your everyday goals and also see way beyond payday. 01. Get paid up to 2 days earlier1. Get your direct deposit up to 2 days early1. Learn more.

  5. Jun 19, 2023 · Archetypes. Anime and manga only archetypes. "Wisel" (ワイゼル Waizeru) is an archetype of DARK Machine monsters used by Primo (and later Aporia) in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. It is a group of monsters that assemble to act as one complete monster, the humanoid robot "Meklord Emperor Wisel".

  6. "Wisel" (ワイゼル Waizeru) is an archetype used by Primo in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. It is a group of monsters that all act as one complete monster. Each part has its own effect. The strongest known versions of the parts are "Wisel Attack 5", "Wisel Guard 3", "Wisel Top 3" and "Wisel Carrier". All of them...

  7. Ketahui definisi 'wisel'. Lihat sebutan, sinonim dan tatabahasa. Lihat contoh penggunaan 'wisel' di korpus Bahasa Melayu yang hebat.

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