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  1. May 20, 2016 · As for 520, it means 我爱你 wǒ ài nǐ, and is a great Chinese love word to say today (and whenever you can) to your loved one. When you do, make sure you pronounce each word individually, because saying 5 五 wǔ and 20 二十 èr shí doesn’t work the same!

  2. 网络情人节(Network Valentine's Day)是信息时代的爱情节日,定于每年的5月20日和5月21日。该节日源于歌手范晓萱的《数字恋爱》中“520”被喻成“我爱你”,以及音乐人吴玉龙的网络歌曲中“我爱你”与“网络情人”的紧密联系。

  3. Apr 18, 2024 · 520情人节源于网络文化,它更多地被视为一种现代和非正式的庆祝方式。 而2月14日的情人节则有着更加传统和商业化的庆祝方式,通常伴随着送花和巧克力。

  4. 520是自然数之一,也是网络语言,谐音“我爱你”;又如:5201314,“我爱你一生一世”;520320179“我爱你想爱你一起走”。因为在网络上为了方便,所以520也就成了我爱你。520 已成为不少恋人们的表达方式,就连结婚的日子也选在了5月20日。

  5. The Secret Code of 520: Imagine whispering "wo ai ni" (I love you) to your sweetheart, but instead of words, you use numbers. That's the magic of 520! The pronunciation of these digits cleverly mimics the beloved phrase, making it a unique code for expressing affection. 520 isn't just about one special someone.

  6. May 20, 2019 · 流传至今的玩法是:男生在5月20日向心仪女生表白“520”(我爱你),女生则在5月21日向看对眼的男生回复 “521”(我愿意、我爱你)。 情侣 很久以前,一位平凡而又伟大的人破译出了“520=我爱你”的爱情密码,这个密码随着网络时代的到来迅速传播,掀起了 ...

  7. May 20, 2024 · 520 這天的節日是「520 網路情人節」,這一天已經成為情侶之間表達愛意的特別日子。 520 情人節禮物推薦:PTT、Dcard 推薦 6 款 520 情人節禮物-2024 ; 520 節日的起源

  8. On Chinese social media, couples often publicly declare their love for each other, share photos of their celebrations, and exchange heartfelt messages. Hashtags related to "520" and expressions of love trend on platforms like WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin, fostering a sense of community and connection among users.

  9. May 21, 2023 · 一生一世 yì shēng yí shì. In Chinese, “3 sān” is pronounced like "生shēng ", “4 sì” is pronounced like "世shì", and "一生一世yì shēng yí shì" means "the whole lifetime". So, 1314 can be used as a love vow together with 520, and 5201314 can mean I will love you till the end of the world. 666 liù liù liù.

  10. 520 is pronounced “Wǔ’èr líng,” and represents May 20th. Young netizens decided that this sounds a lot like “Wǒ ài nǐ,” the Chinese pronunciation of “I Love You,” and the internet slang quickly gained momentum.

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