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  1. In game theory, the battle of the sexes is a two-player coordination game that also involves elements of conflict. The game was introduced in 1957 by R. Duncan Luce and Howard Raiffa in their classic book, Games and Decisions.

  2. Learn how to apply game theory to a classic example of a coordination game: a couple arguing over their weekend plans. Find out how to use mixed strategies to solve the battle of the sexes and avoid dominant strategies.

  3. Learn how to solve the classic game of battle of the sexes, where a man and a woman have different preferences for a date activity. Find out the three equilibria and the payoffs of each strategy.

  4. Learn how to solve the battle of the sexes game with exogenous variables and mixed strategy Nash equilibrium. See how to check the probability distribution and the sign conditions for the fractions in the equilibrium.

  5. Battle of the Sexes. A husband and wife agree to meet this evening, but cannot recall if they will be attending the opera or a boxing match. He prefers the boxing match and she prefers the opera, though both prefer being together to being apart.

  6. Games. Battle of the Sexes. Scenario. A husband and wife have agreed to attend a rare entertainment event in the evening. Unfortunately, neither remembers which of the two special events in town they had agreed on - the boxing match or the opera.

  7. Battle of the Sexes. CSCI 1951k/2951z. 2020-01-22. We present an example of a (complete-information) normal-form games, and calculate its Nash equilibria. 1 Battle of the Sexes. We have a couple, Alice and Bob, who are planning to attend an event together this evening.