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  1. A colony counter is an instrument used to count colonies of bacteria or other microorganisms growing on an agar plate. Various types of colony counters are available to help enumerate colonies of bacteria and yeast quickly and accurately. Some of these colony counters are manual, while others are automatic. Source:

  2. Sep 11, 2022 · A colony counter is a device that is frequently used to count bacterial or other microorganism colonies on a plate that contains a gelled growth medium. Microbiologists have to tackle the daunting task of counting colonies, which can occasionally be undersized and obscured by the unique color of the culture media or the enumeration process itself.

  3. Colony CountersLaboratory Equipment | INTERSCIENCE. Performance and traceability of analyses. Colony counting can be tedious and time-consuming. Scan automatic colony counters provide efficient, complete and accurate colony counting. Traceability of the results is guaranteed. Home. PRODUCTS. Colony counters. Scan 100. Scan 50.

  4. Colony counters are used to count the number of bacteria colonies (clusters) and other microorganisms. They are generally classified as either manual or automatic counters. Manual colony counters are used to assist with visual counting of colonies.

  5. The SphereFlash® is an Automatic Colony Counter that meets all the requirements of modern microbiology laboratories while increasing their throughput. SphereFlash® is a one-size-fits-all solution that reads automatically different types of plates with the same instrument. Reflection-free illumination.

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