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  1. adjective. uk / kəˈmɪt.ɪd / us / kəˈmɪt̬.ɪd / Add to word list. C2. loyal and willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in. 忠誠的;堅定的;盡忠職守的. a committed socialist / Christian / teacher 堅定的社會主義者/虔誠的基督徒/盡忠職守的老師. [ after verb ] having promised to be involved in a plan of action. 承諾過的,允諾過的.

  2. adjective. uk / kəˈmɪt.ɪd / us / kəˈmɪt̬.ɪd / Add to word list. C2. loyal and willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in. 忠诚的;坚定的;尽职尽责的. a committed socialist / Christian / teacher 坚定的社会主义者/虔诚的基督徒/尽职尽责的老师. [ after verb ] having promised to be involved in a plan of action. 承诺过的,允诺过的.

  3. adj. 忠诚的坚定的. v. 保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等) ( commit的过去式和过去分词 ); 把…托付给; 把…记(或写)下来; 承诺. 大小写变形: Committed. 实用场景例句. 全部. 忠诚的. 坚定的. 保证. 承诺. a committed member of the team. 忠于职守的队员. 牛津词典. They are committed socialists. 他们是坚定的社会主义者。 牛津词典. It isn't their diplomatic style to commit themselves on such a delicate issue... 对这样一个微妙的问题明确表态并非他们的外交风格。 柯林斯高阶英语词典.

  4. commitment翻译忠诚;投入;奉献;承诺保证诺言, 必须做或处理的事情了解更多

  5. committed中文的意思翻譯及用法v. 承諾委托干壞事付諸commit的過去分詞adj. 堅定的效忠的承擔義務的。 英漢詞典提供【committed】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  6. commit [ kəˈmɪt ] vt. 1 [+ crime, offence] 犯 fàn. [+ sin, adultery] 做 zuò. 2 (= pledge) [+ money, resources] 调 (調)配 diàopèi. 3 to commit sb to [+ hospital, prison] 把某人关 (關)进 (進) bǎ mǒurén guānjìn. to commit suicide. 自杀 (殺) zìshā. to commit sth to sth. (= pledge) 调 (調)配某物用于 (於)某事 diàopèi mǒuwù yòng yú mǒushì. to commit o.s. (to doing sth)

  7. adj. bound up, wrapped up, pledged, sworn, affianced, bespoken, betrothed. 反义词. n. uncommitted. 联想词. commitment 承诺; dedicated 专注; engaged 使用中,忙碌; pledged 保证; responsible 有责任; motivated 有积极性; passionate 热; devoted 身; actively 积极地; accused 被告; professed 公开声称,伪称,已立誓信教; 词组 | 习惯用语. committed suicide自杀死亡. 英语例句库. he'd been committed to an asylum.

  8. 1. 尽心尽力的;坚信的;坚定的willing to work hard and give your time and energy to sth; believing strongly in sth. a committed member of the team. 忠于职守的队员. They are committed socialists. 他们是坚定的社会主义者。 例句. 释义: 全部 全部, 忠诚的 忠诚的, 提交, 承诺, 坚定的. 更多例句筛选. 1.

  9. Adjective: bound or obligated, as under a pledge to a particular cause, action, or attitude; "committed church members". "a committed Marxist". associated in an exclusive sexual relationship. committed的用法和样例:.

  10. 欧路词典为您提供committed的用法讲解告诉您准确全面的committed的中文意思committed的读音committed的同义词committed的反义词committed的例句