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  1. The FBI found evidence laws were broken when secrets got onto Hillary Clintons personal server, but the case wasn't strong enough. Law enforcement officials look for clear criminal intent in...

  2. During his victory lap after Tuesday’s big five state win, Donald Trump relished in taking aim at his presumptive Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. He couldn’t resist mentioning the FBI’s email investigation, and how “it’s an absolute criminal outrage.”.

  3. Donald Trump has promised to deliver a speech this week that will address Bill and Hillary Clinton's scandals. Here's a breakdown of those scandals and their outcomes.

  4. A 1994 federal crime bill passed by former President Bill Clinton has become a problem for Hillary Clinton's campaign. But what did it actually do? The crime bill in question is the...

  5. Hillary Clintons willful decision to squirrel all her e-mails away on a private server reflects a blatant disregard for the laws meant to protect classified information.

  6. In a letter on Sunday, FBI Director James Comey wrote that newly discovered emails do not change the FBI’s prior conclusion that Hillary Clinton should not be charged with a crime.

  7. Special counsel John Durham gave a glimpse on Wednesday of his extensive use of a federal grand jury to bring a false statement charge against former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael...