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  1. A New Deal For Asia looks at whether Asia can reinvent itself for the new millennium after the chaos and turmoil of the Asian crisis. According to Dr Mahathir Mohamad, now is not the time...

  2. According to Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, now is not the time for recriminations, but to reexamine the way the global economic system functions. Now is also the time to look ahead, move on and try to focus on the future.

  3. Jul 1, 1999 · Akhirnya, Tun Dr Mahathir menyampaikan harapannya agar Asia yang sedang dilanda krisis ketika itu mampu bangkit dan menyerlah seperti sebelumnya. Oleh kerana buku ini diterbitkan pada 1999, masih banyak lagi negara yang belum pulih dari serangan dan krisis matawang.

  4. ABSTRAK. Makalah ini mengupas pemikiran bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dalam bukunya, A New Deal For Asia, yang ditulis selepas kegawatan ekonomi tahun 1997.

  5. Jul 10, 1999 · This is an excellent book for anyone who wish to know the thoughts of Dr Mahathir on how Asia can reinvent itself for the new millennmium after the Asian crises. Grab a copy now to find out more.

  6. May 18, 2013 · Summary: A New Deal For Asia looks at whether Asia can reinvent itself for the new millennium after the chaos and turmoil of the Asian crisis. According to Dr Mahathir Mohamad, now is not the time for recriminations, but to reexamine the way the global economic system functions.

  7. Mahathir Mohamad's latest book, "A New Deal For Asia", was launched at a five star hotel here today by his deputy, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Abdullah, in his speech, said that the book would give a "sense of direction" to Asia at a time where the region was undergoing tremendous challenges.