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  1. Jermaine Jackson believes his brother Michael was in the process of converting to Islam before his death in 2009. Speaking from Morocco's Mawazine Festival, Jackson said his younger brother had been studying Islamic spiritual texts.

  2. Beleaguered pop star Michael Jackson has converted to Islam and changed his name to Mikaeel, it has been claimed today. The 50-year-old singer, who has previously been photographed wearing a...

  3. As the King of Pop, Michael Jackson's life had always been under a scanner, linking him to multiple controversies over the years. People were quick to judge ...

  4. Michael Jackson merupakan tokoh pop dunia yang telah meninggal 2009 silam. Namun, banyak beredar kabar bahwa ia telah masuk islam.

  5. Michael’s Jackson’s brother Jermaine Jackson reached out to the Muslim world in a long, controversial interview with the Dubai-based pan-Arab news channel Al-Arabiya aired Thursday night.

  6. We can only speculate about the attractions for Michael Jackson of Islam, but likely his 2005 trial in which he was acquitted of all charges was implicated in his desire for a change.

  7. How Michael Jackson’s Brother Jermaine Converted to Islam. Ads by Muslim Ad Network. Discovering Islam Team. 02 April, 2017. It was way back in 1989 when I, along with my sister, conducted a tour to some of the countries of the Middle East. During our stay in Bahrain, we were accorded a warm welcome.