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  1. “Sleeping China” and Napoleon. Author (s) : HICKS Peter. Print. Share it. Napoleon liked a good apothegm. Bourrienne recorded (almost contemporaneously) how the First Consul liked the expression “England is a nation of shopkeepers” – a bon mot snitched from Adam Smith’s “Wealth of Nations”.

  2. Jan 13, 2021 · Let China Sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world” so states a quote often attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte. Whether or not these words were spoken by Napoleon Bonaparte, in...

  3. A general sentiment about a Chinese resurgence in European thought seems to date to the 1870s at the earliest. That is not to say, however, that Napoleon did not comment on China. During his exile on St Helena, the second British embassy to China, that of Lord Amherst, got underway.

  4. China is a sleeping giant, when she wakes she will shake the world", or "China is a sleeping dragon" or China is a sleeping lion, is a phrase widely attributed (albeit without evidence) to Napoleon Bonaparte.

  5. Napoleon’s prophetic prediction about the implications of the ‘rise’ of China is testament to the kind of military strategist and Emperor he was. It was a long hard road from then until now, China endured some trying times before the metaphorical giant could rise from her deep slumber.

  6. Nov 24, 2021 · The China we see today was once a nation of pity and humiliation. Her failure was her complacency and lack of exposure. Although her underdevelopment was evident, the French Emperor, Napoleon...

  7. Sep 20, 2020 · Napoleon was right when he warned western nations to “let China sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world”. Even more than in Turkey and India, there is a potential volcano of...