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  1. The silvery lutung (Trachypithecus cristatus), also known as the silvered leaf monkey or the silvery langur, is an Old World monkey. It is arboreal , living in coastal, mangrove , and riverine forests in Peninsular Malaysia , Sumatra , Borneo , Java , and other nearby islands.

  2. Dusky Leaf Monkeys are impressively acrobatic, using their long tails for balance as they jump from branch to branch. However, they have a quirky habit of sitting still for long periods, comfy and cozy on their padded bottoms.

  3. Trachypithecus cristatus. Geographic Distribution and Habitat. The silvery lutung, also known as the silvered leaf monkey or the silvered langur, is found in Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia. They may occur on Batam in the Riau Archipelago as well.

  4. The silvery lutung (Trachypithecus cristatus), also known as the silvered leaf monkey or the silvery langur, is an Old World monkey. It is arboreal, living in coastal, mangrove, and riverine forests in Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo .

  5. Dusky Leaf Monkey. Much of the appearance of Dusky Leaf Monkeys (Trachypithecus obscurus) is subject to their age. Mostly orange as juveniles, these monkeys eventually become gray, brown, or even black. Dark faces with white eye circles also stand out on the adult Dusky Leaf Monkey.

  6. Baby silvered leaf monkeys are born with orange fur! While adult silvery lutungs are charcoal in color, their newborns are covered in orange fur, which experts believe help mothers spot their young who tend to be very active and intrepid.

  7. Sep 2, 2012 · The Silvery Lutung, also known as the Silvered Leaf Monkey or the Silvery Langur, can be found living in coastal, mangrove, and riverine forests in Peninsula...