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  1. Learn how the Jewish kingdom split into two after Solomon's death, and how Jeroboam undermined the unity and the Torah of the northern tribes. Explore the causes and consequences of the division, and the role of Jerusalem and the Temple in Jewish identity.

  2. Learn about the division of God's nation into Israel and Judah after Solomon's death, and the kings who ruled over them. See a chart of the rulers' reigns, scripture references, and evaluations of their obedience to God.

  3. Jan 4, 2022 · Why was Israel divided into the Southern Kingdom and Northern Kingdom? Answer. Throughout their history in the Promised Land, the children of Israel struggled with conflict among the tribes. The disunity went back all the way to the patriarch Jacob, who presided over a house divided.

  4. Learn about the causes, comparison and kings of the divided kingdom of Israel and Judah from the Bible. This web page is a chapter from a book by Josiah Blake Tidwell, a biblical scholar and author.

  5. Divided Kingdom - Israel and Judah. After Solomon the fame and fortunes of Israel went downhill. The nation rebelled against God and his laws. God might have destroyed Israel had He not promised to Abraham a redeemer and He still planned to use the house of David for this.

  6. At this moment, the kingdom is divided into two nations, with two kings. Worse yet, these two nations are frequently in conflict with one another. How can God’s promises to the patriarchs possibly be fulfilled now?

  7. According to the Hebrew Bible, a "United Monarchy" consisting of Israel and Judah existed as early as the 11th century BCE, under the reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon; the country later split into two kingdoms: Israel, containing the cities of Shechem and Samaria, in the north, and Judah, containing Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple, in the south.