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  1. First Presbyterian Church in what is now East Cleveland is founded; it is the second church in the entire Western Reserve. 1808. Lorenzo Carter builds the Zephyr, first ship to be launched in Cleveland. Samuel Huntington elected governor of Ohio.

  2. Cleveland began to grow rapidly after the completion of the Ohio and Erie Canal in 1832, turning the village into a key link between the Ohio River and the Great Lakes, particularly once the city railroad links were added.

  3. 1832 – Ohio and Erie Canal completed to the Ohio River. 1836 Cleveland and Ohio City are incorporated as cities. John W. Willey is elected the first mayor of Cleveland. Bridge War between Cleveland and Ohio City takes place. 1837 – Cleveland City Council votes to create City Hospital, now MetroHealth. 1840 – population: 6,071.

  4. The illiteracy rate of 1.5% among post-1880 immigrants was lower than that of most states in the Union at that time. By 1890, there were 10,000 Czechs in Cleveland, and the years 1900 to 1914 witnessed the greatest influx of Czech immigrants to the area.

  5. Settlement Chronology and Geography. 1848-1870. Polish immigration to, and settlement in, Cleveland resulted from several factors. These factors, common to all immigration, were need in the receiving country, reason for and ease of exit in the home country and ease of access to the new country.

  6. The origins of many of Cleveland's earliest laborers can be traced to the OHIO & ERIE CANAL, which was begun in 1825 and immediately generated a demand for unskilled labor. As the first elements of a working class consisting of day laborers emerged, they were viewed with suspicion by their fellow citizens.

  7. Cleveland (Ohio)--Directories Description Includes alphabetical listing of names of city residents, as well as a classified directory of businesses, a directory of streets, avenues and alleys, and a miscellaneous directory of government offices and cemeteries.