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  1. Mar 30, 2018 · In Zimbabwe Election held regularly but ZANU-PF party always won the election. 2. Since the party won the elections continuously it's leader Mugabe was the president of the country. 3. President Mugabe was popular but he used unfair practice in the elections 4. There have been a lot of human right abuses in Zimbabwe 5. TV and radio is ...

  2. May 22, 2017 · The Zimbabwe African National Union was an aggressor association that battled against the white minority government in Rhodesia, shaped as a part of the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU). ZANU won the 1980 decisions under the authority of Robert Mugabe, and after seven years converged with Joshua Nkomo's ZAPU to frame ZANU-PF.

  3. Hey here is your answer Zimbabwe attained Independence from white minority rule in 1980 .since then the country has been ruled by ZANU-PF ,the party that led the freedom struggle .its leader Robert mugabe has been ruling the country since Independence .elections have been held regularly and always won by ZANU-PF. president mugabe is popular but also uses Unfair practices in elections .

  4. May 4, 2018 · Ever since Zimbabwe attained independence from white minority rule in 1980, it has been ruled by Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front (ZANU - PF) led by its leader Robert Mugabe. In all the elections held since independence this party has always been the winner. In fact, in spite of his popularity Mugabe uses unfair practices in the elections. The constitution of the country has ...

  5. Answer: "ZANU-PF" ("Zimbabwe African National Union party") is the party that aided Zimbabwe to gain their freedom on "18 April 1980" . "Zimbabwe African National Union party" is a "leftist political party" and has been ruling " Zimbabwe " since independence in "1980". The party was led under "Robert Mugabe", first as "Prime Minister" with the ...

  6. May 8, 2019 · Answer: The Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai (MDC–T) is a center-left political party and was the main opposition party in the House of Assembly of Zimbabwe ahead of the 2018 elections. Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe's ruling party was declared winner of the first post-Mugabe elections. But the opposition, which has accused the ...

  7. Oct 27, 2016 · ZANU- PF is the national party who led the struggle for independence in Zimbabwe. ZANU- PF stands for Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front. The President of the party is Robert Mugabe who has been the sole ruler leader in the country since the independence of the nation in 1980 from the British colonial rule. Advertisement. soni4853.

  8. Jan 31, 2018 · profile. wajahatkincsem. report flag outlined. Unemployment in Zimbabwe is due to quite a number of factors. The following are mainly because of political reasons. (1)Sluggish investment. (2)Weak export performance due to geography and climate. (3)Poor macroeconomic policy environment. (4)The investment or business climate is unfriendly.

  9. Jun 1, 2018 · The Zimbabwe government is undemocratic and autocratic because the Zimbabwean president, Robert Mugabe rules virtually as a dictator. Mugabe has remained in power in Zimbabwe since that country gained independence in 1980. To retain power, he has rigged elections, harassed political opponents including jailing and torturing them and repeatedly ...

  10. Feb 17, 2018 · It is important that the elected government remain democratic and not become autocratic like Zimbabwe. They gained freedom from the whites in 1980. Since then, robert mugabe was the president of the country. This country is a democratic country where there happens election though the ruling party follow dishonest means to stay in power.

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