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  1. 19 hours ago · This Guardian op-ed about France’s possible new left coaltion government co-authored by Thomas Piketty. Piketty is as revered and moral as any modern economist so when he praises the left’s policies as realistic and workable, I’m listening. A gripping Scandinavian western

  2. 3 days ago · Komentar Artikel : Thomas Piketty, seorang profesor di Ecole Economie di Paris, bukanlah seorang yang terkenal, meskipun hal tersebut mungkin berubah ketika ia menerbitk Komentar Artikel : Kuis 15 - Trans_Substansi Pikiran Piketty : Pajak Internasional Capital in the twenty-first Century -

  3. 2 days ago · Thomas Piketty’s work, Capital and ideologypublished in 2019, has been the subject of heated discussions in the French press.Hailed as a major book, which continues the work begun with the publication of High incomes in France in XX e century (Seuil, 2001) and of Capital at XXI e century (Seuil, 2013), the book has essentially been judged through the political measures it proposes in order ...

  4. 1 day ago · Ironically at the same time, French economist, Thomas Piketty, the leading authority on inequality, along with Nitin Kumar Bharati, Lucas Chancel and Anmol Somanchi, published a paper in March 2024 titled Income and Wealth Inequality in India, 1922–2023: The Rise of the Billionaire Raj.

  5. 4 days ago · Wir brauchen zwingend ein klares Rechts und Links, sagt der Ökonom Thomas Piketty. Nur echte Widersprüche könnten die Demokratien vor einem Rechtsruck bewahren. Pardon?

  6. 19 hours ago · Very recently, the team around Thomas Piketty, the French economist associated with the World Inequality Database, has come out with a proposal for India to re-introduce a wealth tax on the super-rich in the backdrop of the massive increase in wealth inequality in the country, a proposal that echoes what the Left in the country has been ...

  7. 1 day ago · AP Photo/Thomas Padilla A coalition on the left that came together unexpectedly ahead of France’s snap elections won the most parliamentary seats in the vote, according to polling projections ...