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  1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (n. 30 ianuarie 1882, Hyde Park, New York, SUA – d. 12 aprilie 1945, Little White House ⁠ (d), Georgia, SUA) a fost cel de-al treizeci și doilea președinte al Statelor Unite ale Americii ( 1932 – 1945 ). S-a remarcat ca fiind una dintre principalele figuri politice ale secolului XX ...

  2. Franklin D. Roosevelt summary: The only president who has ever held four terms in office, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882, into a world of privilege. He had an elderly father who died when he was in his first year at Harvard. He was his mother’s only child.

  3. Franklin D. Roosevelt, (born Jan. 30, 1882, Hyde Park, N.Y., U.S.—died April 12, 1945, Warm Springs, Ga.), 32nd president of the U.S. (1933–45). Attracted to politics by the example of his cousin Theodore Roosevelt, he became active in the Democratic Party. In 1905 he married Eleanor Roosevelt, who would become a valued adviser in future years.

  4. Biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt by Frank Freidel. Search all documents. January 22, 1932. The Governor Enters the First Primary Campaign for the Presidential Nomination. April 07, 1932. April 18, 1932. Address at Jefferson Day Dinner in St. Paul, Minnesota. May 22, 1932. Address at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia.

  5. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (* 30. január 1882, Hyde Park, New York – † 12. apríl 1945, Warm Springs, Georgia ), všeobecne známy ako FDR, bol americký politik, ktorý bol 32. prezidentom Spojených štátov od roku 1933 až do svojej smrti v roku 1945. Bol členom Demokratickej strany a je jediným prezidentom USA, ktorý bol vo funkcii ...

  6. Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1882–1945. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Thirty-Second President, 1933–1945. Campaign. In 1932, the topic of highest importance to Americans was the Great Depression, giving Democrats an advantage in securing their place in the White House. The incumbent, Herbert Hoover, was unpopular to the point that Roosevelt’s ...

  7. Franklin Delano Roosevelt blev født den 30. januar 1882 i byen Hyde Park, som ligger ved Hudson-floden i delstaten New York. Hans far, James Roosevelt, og hans mor Sara var begge ud af velhavende newyorker-familier, af henholdsvis hollandsk og fransk afstamning. Franklin var deres eneste barn.

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    who is Franklin D. Roosevelt