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  1. Michael Phelps’ performances at the 2004-16 Olympics have brought him strong consideration as the greatest ever Olympian. He has surpassed the records of Mark Spitz and Johnny Weissmuller and is considered the greatest swimmer ever. Phelps swims several strokes, including butterfly and freestyle, but his best events are the individual medleys.

  2. Michael Phelps (pada usia 15) berpartisipasi di Olimpiade 2000 di Sydney sebagai perenang putra termuda di ajang Olimpiade sejak 68 tahun. Namun ia tidak memenangkan medali, ia finish ke-5 pada nomor 200m gaya kupu-kupu, Phelps lalu mulai berkembang dan dikenal dalam dunia renang setelah itu. 5 bulan setelah Olimpiade Sydney, Phelps memecahkan ...

  3. Michael Phelps is arguably the greatest Olympian ever. While some may argue that other athletes such as Usain Bolt, Carl Lewis, or Katie Ledecky should be given the title, Phelps' medal count speaks for itself. Even though Phelps competed in a sport which an extremely capable athlete can bag golds across different distances and strokes, his feats still blow away those of any other sportsperson.

  4. Michael Fred Phelps II is known principally as the most decorated Olympian of all time, with a total of 28 Olympic medals, 23 of them gold, spanning over four Olympic Games. He has actually ...

  5. Michael Phelps (Baltimore, Maryland, 30. lipnja 1985.) je američki plivač, višestruki svjetski rekorder, svjetski prvak i olimpijski pobjednik.. Phelps se kao 15-godišnjak prvi puta predstavio svijetu na Olimpijskim igrama u Sydneyu, 2000. godine kao najmlađi američki plivač u posljednjih 68 godina. Iako tada nije osvojio medalju, to mu je prvo veliko natjecanje poslužilo kao veliko ...

  6. Michael Phelps. Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky. Michael Fred Phelps (* 30. června 1985 Baltimore, Maryland, USA [1]) je americký plavec, držitel rekordního počtu 28 olympijských medailí, z toho 23 zlatých. [2] [3] [4] Rekordem je i 13 zlatých a celkem 16 medailí z individuálních soutěží. [5]

  7. Michael Phelps is arguably the greatest Olympian ever. While some may argue that other athletes such as Usain Bolt, Carl Lewis, or Katie Ledecky should be given the title, Phelps' medal count speaks for itself. Even though Phelps competed in a sport which an extremely capable athlete can bag golds across different distances and strokes, his feats still blow away those of any other sportsperson.

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