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  1. Edward Joseph Snowden (wym. [ˈ ɛ d w ɚ d ˈ s n o ʊ̯ d ə n]; ur.21 czerwca 1983 w Elizabeth City) – amerykański demaskator, były pracownik CIA i zleceniobiorca zatrudniony przez firmy Dell oraz Booz Allen Hamilton na umowach dla NSA, który ujawnił na łamach prasy kilkaset tysięcy poufnych, tajnych i ściśle tajnych dokumentów NSA, co zostało opisane przez prasę jako ...

  2. 爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden),1983年6月21日出生于美国北卡罗来纳州伊丽莎白市,前CIA(美国中央情报局)技术分析员,后供职于国防项目承包商博思艾伦咨询公司。2013年6月,斯诺登将美国国家安全局关于PRISM监听项目的秘密文档披露给了《卫报》和《华盛顿邮报》,随即遭美国政府通缉,事发 ...

  3. Biografie. Snowden a lucrat în serviciul de pază și sectorul tehnic al serviciului de spionaj american al CIA și NSA.Până în mai 2013 a lucrat ca agent secret în sistemul de administrație și consultare al firmei Booz Allen Hamilton.Prin funcția de colaborator tehnic deținută avea acces la informațiile strict secrete ale serviciului de spionaj american, între care se remarcă ...

  4. Edward Joseph Snowden, né le 21 juin 1983 à Elizabeth City ( Caroline du Nord ), est un informaticien et lanceur d'alerte américain, naturalisé russe en 2022. Ancien employé de la Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) et de la National Security Agency (NSA), il a révélé l'existence de plusieurs programmes de surveillance de masse ...

  5. 19 Jan 2022 · Edward Snowden is a former NSA contractor who leaked highly classified information from the agency in 2013. His leak revealed numerous global surveillance programs run by the United States and the United Kingdom. Snowden initially reported the perceived ethical breaches of the surveillance internally, but no one seemed interested in addressing the issues raised. In […]

  6. Follow @Snowden, the whistleblower who exposed mass surveillance, and read his latest statements on privacy, human rights, and democracy.

  7. 16 Sep 2019 · Edward Snowden, arguably the world’s most famous whistle-blower, is a man who lived behind plenty of pseudonyms before putting his true name to his truth-telling: When he was first communicating ...

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