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  1. 7 Feb 2021 · A Classificação de Salter-Harris, foi introduzida em 1963 por Robert Bruce Salter e W. Robert Harris, ambos canadenses e cirurgiões ortopédicos. Em seu trabalho “Injuries Involving the Epiphyseal Plate”, publicado pelo The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, Salter e Harris discutem as lesões da placa epifisária dos pontos de vista ...

  2. The Salter-Harris classification continues to be relevant and serve an important purpose in orthopaedics despite substantial limitations. It is not a comprehensive system for classifying physeal injuries, guiding treatment, or determining prognosis. These limitation may be inherent to a classification that is intended to be generically applied ...

  3. Classification de Salter et Harris Référence Cepela DJ, Tartaglione JP, Dooley TP, Patel PN. Classifications In Brief: Salter-Harris Classification of ... Cette classification s’intéresse aux fractures passant par le cartilage de croissance. Elle est divisée en 5 stades et présente un intérêt pronostic sur le risque d’épiphysiodèse ...

  4. 27 Mac 2024 · The Salter-Harris classification was proposed by Salter and Harris in 1963 1 and, at the time of writing (January 2023) remains the most widely used system for describing physeal fractures.. Classification. Conveniently the Salter-Harris types can be remembered by the mnemonic SALTR.. type I. slipped. 5-7%. fracture plane passes all the way through the growth plate, not involving bone

  5. Type 2 Salter-Harris injury. A. The plain radiograph shows widening of the anterior portion of the growth plate of the distal tibia, accompanied by fractures in the metaphysis. B. The sagittal fat-suppressed T2-weighted image shows hyperintensity of the growth plate (arrow) and a fracture line in the metaphysis.

  6. Salter-Harris classification of physeal injuries. Although there are more recent and more complex classifications, the Salter-Harris classification is the most widely used and clinically useful approach to classifying and describing physeal injuries in children. About 90% of children with physeal injuries can be classified using the five Salter ...

  7. 21 Mac 2024 · Die Salter-Harris-Klassifikation ähnelt der Einteilung der Epiphysenverletzungen nach Aitken . Salter-Harris I = Aitken 0: Epiphysiolyse ohne Begleitfraktur. Salter-Harris II = Aitken I: Partielle Epiphysiolyse mit Absprengung eines metaphysären Elements. Mit etwa 75% der Fälle häufigster Typ.