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  1. Visitation definition: The action or an instance of visiting or an instance of being visited.

  2. When you travel to another place, or spend some time at a friend's house, it's a visit. You should visit your grandmother! It's been a while since she's had a visit from you.

  3. noun. 1. the act of visiting. 2. a formal visit, as one permitted by a court's granting of visitation rights or by parents invited to a school to observe the work of students. 3. a visit for the purpose of making an official examination or inspection, as of a bishop to a diocese.

  4. Define Visitation by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary.

  5. Jun 17, 2024 · An official visit to inspect or examine something. An encounter with supernatural beings such as ghosts or aliens. An affliction or disaster attributed to destiny, or to God . But when the blow comes down in the fulness of expectation; when the bough is smitten while green, and the flower cut down in its spring; when the young and lovely perish ...

  6. Visit definition: to go to and stay with (a person or family) or at (a place) for a short time for reasons of sociability, politeness, business, curiosity, etc.. See examples of VISIT used in a sentence.

  7. Define visiting. visiting synonyms, visiting pronunciation, visiting translation, English dictionary definition of visiting. v. vis·it·ed , vis·it·ing , vis·its v. tr. 1. a. To go to see or spend time with ; call on socially: visit friends. b. To go to see in order to aid or...