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  1. Aug 8, 2018 · 2. I would say to the House…. ‘I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat’…. Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival. Churchill’s first speech as Prime Minister, House of Commons, 13 May 1940. 3.

  2. Mar 3, 2021 · Winston Churchill's Greatest Speeches. 15. “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” –Winston Churchill, Never Give In! Winston Churchill's Greatest Speeches. 16. “Great battles, won or lost, change the entire course of events, create new standards of values, new moods, new atmospheres, in armies and ...

  3. Feb 7, 2022 · 20 Inspiring Quotes from Winston Churchill: “Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference.”. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.”. “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”. “History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.”.

  4. Mar 26, 2024 · Accompanying his signature top hat and frown, Winston Churchill quotes are well-known, and many have his characteristic droll humor. Churchill (1874-1965) was the indomitable British politician who was prime minister during World War II and from 1951 to 1955.

  5. Jan 17, 2023 · Also commonly stated as, ‘The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.”. Each of these fake quotes is commonly attributed to Churchill—even by HM The Queen in her 1999 Christmas Message to the British Commonwealth. What Churchill actually said was, ‘The longer you can look back, the farther you can look forward.’.

  6. Churchill: "Madam, we've already established that. Now we are haggling about the price. Winston Churchill. Sleep, Thinking, Pounds. 278 Copy quote. The main vice of capitalism is the uneven distribution of prosperity. The main vice of socialism is the even distribution of misery. Winston Churchill.

  7. Winston Churchill. “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case.