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  1. 5 days ago · Nazir Estate guides its customers to take the right decision for property investments and keeps them updated with property rates and market trends on daily basis. Contact Us (+92) 300 8402 685

  2. 3 days ago · Jakarta, Insertlive -. Aditya Zoni, adik Ammar Zoni digugat cerai oleh sang istri, Yasmine Ow. Merasa rumah tangganya sudah tidak bisa dipertahankan lagi, Aditya Zoni pun hanya berharap satu hal usai bercerai. Ia mengaku ingin mendapatkan hak asuh anak setelah resmi bercerai nanti. Pasalnya Adit merasa hanya anak yang bisa membuat hidupnya ...

  3. 5 days ago · Nazir Estate guides its customers to take the right decision for property investments and keeps them updated with property rates and market trends on daily basis. Contact Us (+92) 300 8402 685

  4. 5 days ago · Nazir Estate guides its customers to take the right decision for property investments and keeps them updated with property rates and market trends on daily basis. Contact Us (+92) 300 8402 685

  5. 3 days ago · Title: Bercerai : boleh atau tidak? : Tafsiran terhadap teks-teks Perjanjian Baru/ Ruth Schafer, Freshia Aprilyn Ross, Author: Schafer, Ruth|Freshia Aprilyn Ross ...

  6. 4 days ago · Nazir Estate guides its customers to take the right decision for property investments and keeps them updated with property rates and market trends on daily basis. Contact Us (+92) 300 8402 685

  7. 3 days ago · Doa bercermin perlu dibaca sebagai ungkapan syukur pada Allah SWT yang telah membaguskan ciptaanNya. Artinya: “Ya Allah sebagaimana Engkau telah ciptakan aku dengan baik, maka perbaikilah akhlakku.” Dalam hadits lain, disebutkan Rasulullah SAW juga membaca doa berikut ketika bercermin, Arabnlatin: Alhamdulillahilladzi sawwaa khalqii fa’addalahu wa karrama shurata wajhii fahassanaha waja ...